
We receive no government funding and rely on corporate and public donations to help us rescue, care and release native animals.

All donations over $2 are tax deductible.

Opt to donate monthly or give a one-off amount - every bit helps!!

You can also donate by direct deposit using the following details:

Account Name: Far North Queensland Wildlife Rescue Assoc Inc

Account BSB: 633-000

Account Number: 146 291 653

Please use your surname as a reference and email email/treasurer)( to advise of your deposit.

Donate Online Now

Prefer to use PayPal? Use this button to donate.


Wildlife Food Fund

FNQ Wildlife Rescue recently started a Go-Fund-Me page to raise money for wildlife food. Our goal is to raise enough money to be able to support all of our carers in their task of raising sick, injured or orphaned wildlife by supplying food and necessities free of charge.

Please help us to help them - Donate now!

Please share as much as possible through social media, we need all the help we can get!


You may choose to include FNQ Wildlife Rescue in your will. If you wish to do so there is specific wording required. Please discuss this matter with your trusted advisor.